Category: Building

Building Plumbing the Depths
2014 November Plumbing the Depths

Though mostly unseen, a building’s plumbing and piping network is one of its most important systems—as anyone who has ever had to endure a freezing February shower, or who has come home to a flooded floor, can attest. Plumbing includes not…

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Building The Heat is On
2014 November The Heat is On

The rarely stated—but all too well understood—Murphy’s Law for Boilers— asserts that if your boiler quits working, it will do so on Christmas or New Year’s Eve, or at 4:45 p.m. on the coldest day of the year. With some planning, though, th…

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Building Your Building’s Anatomy
2014 November Your Building’s Anatomy

From the outside, the structure of a condo, co-op or townhouse building may appear to be monolithic; just pieces of brick, steel, vinyl or wood, punctuated with some glass here and there. That's an oversimplification, however. A multifamil…

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Building Do It Yourself
2013 November Do It Yourself

A small-scale project is pending, and the management company is considering proposals or bids from several local contractors. The job could be as basic as trimming shrubs, staining decks or wiring some new lighting, so it’s no wonder that …

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Building Now is The Time
2013 November Now is The Time

If you’re on a board in a New England condo or HOA, now is the time that you should be talking about making any of the major improvements that you’ve discussed or considered over the past few years. Even if you have a plan in place to do a…

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Building Live Long and Prosper
2013 November Live Long and Prosper

Nothing lasts forever, and though you can’t predict the moment a piece of building equipment will break down, you can prepare for it. Even the toughest boiler, HVAC unit, or elevator will eventually tucker out and need major repairs, or ju…

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Building A Breath of Fresh Air
2013 November A Breath of Fresh Air

Air conditioning, climate control and proper handling of waste play a huge role in maintaining quality of life—not only in terms of comfort, but in terms of health as well. In a multifamily building with scores, or possibly hundreds,…

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Building Smart Buildings, Smart Boards
2012 November Smart Buildings, Smart Boards

 If phones can be “smart,” why not buildings? With the ever-expanding array of consumer technology  available today, it should come as no surprise that residential buildings are  incorporating more and more cutting-edge technology into the…

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Building On the Bricks
2012 November On the Bricks

 From the hills of northern Connecticut to the brownstones of Boston and New  York, brickwork is everywhere across the northeast. Around since the early  1600s, the popular building material is commonly used not only because of its  aesthe…

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Building Covering Your Bases
2012 November Covering Your Bases

 Warranties for products are simple to understand, most people might think.    You go to the store, buy a computer or a DVD player or a TV, or even a larger  appliance like a refrigerator, and you get a piece of paper describing a  …

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